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Displaying 5 posts for September 2011

September 30, 2011

Adding Custom Search Engine to Opera Mini

In Opera mini version 4, 5, 6 by default there are four search engines added, these are Google,, IMDb and Wikipedia.
But these are not enough, adding more search engine, enhanced the functionality and gives the great customization.

September 25, 2011

Hack Passwords using Actual Spy Keylogger

Disclaimer: This article is for educational purposes only. This site is no way responsible for any misuse of the information or/and any damage to you and done by you.

I will treat you as you know using and purpose of keyloggers.
keyloggers can be useful for both purpose, obtaining password or keystrokes from your computer and victim machine. But I always prefer run keyloggers on my machine, for victim machine there are other options available.

September 8, 2011

Find out Admin of Facebook Page

Facebook page hosted by some group of facebook profiles or a single profile can host it. When you create facebook page, there should be a profile attached to that account to access full features. There is a feature of fb pages that you can show number of admin on your page sidebar. But some pages don’t show their admin.
So if you wish to see those Admins you can try this trick:
  • Go to your messages tab and click “Other” or “Other Messages” on the sidebar.

September 5, 2011

Changing Windows 7 Logon Screen

In Windows operating system Microsoft provides the way to change the theme, but many users like me, also want to change other components of system like logon screen.
In Windows XP it was little bit difficult to change the logon screen, but we could get great customization. In windows 7, officially we can change the logon screen just changing some registry entries, we don’t need to do reverse engineering.

So these are the steps that you have to follow:

September 4, 2011

Using Google Image Search as Reverse Image Search Engine

Many of you already know that Google added new feature to its image search engine but still I will explain here for those users who still aren’t using it.
When we found some classic or unique images then we try to find out the source and the content of that image, for doing this, you need a reverse image search engine, you can find it on the internet but everyone’s favorite search engine is Google, so you can use Google image search in a reverse manner.

All you have to do is the drag and drop:
Google image search
  • Find some unknown images from your computer or from the internet
  • Go to Google Image Search
  • Select image, drag, and drop to Google image search bar.
  • it will return some similar images and web pages that contain same image.

If you are not satisfied, then you can try out some popular reverse image search engine like
TinEye Reverse Image Search.

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